Wei Chen ’14 Ph.D.

Sarah B. Jeffrey ’14 MBA has received the prestigious Early Career Healthcare Executive Regent’s Award by the Connecticut Association of Healthcare Executives. The award recognizes Ms. Jeffrey’s contributions toward the achievement of the goals of the American College of Healthcare Executives and the advancement of healthcare management excellence. Ms. Jeffrey is currently an administrative fellow at Bristol Hospital.
Shuai Yang ’14 PhD has successfully defended her dissertation titled, “Two Essays on Matching Strategy in Paid Search Advertising.” Dr. Yang has accepted an offer at Donghua University (Shanghai) and will be joining in Fall 2014.
John P. Bonora ’11 MSFRM has joined First County Bank as the senior vice president, chief credit and chief risk officer. Mr. Bonora has also recently been honored as one of the Fairfield County 2014 “40 Under 40” business executives for demonstrating extraordinary leadership qualities.
Jeffrey R. Carlson ’14 PhD has successfully defended his dissertation titled “Exploring the Important and Value of Studying Subjective Time in Marketing Management. Dr. Carlson has accepted a position as assistant professor at the University of Richmond.
Matthew D. Dean ’10 PhD has been appointed to associate professor of business with tenure at the University of Southern Maine School of Business. Mr. Dean is also the director of the Maine Center for Business and Economic Research at University of Southern Maine.
Erin E. Henry ’14 PhD has successfully defended her dissertation titled “The Information Content of Tax Expense: A firm and Market-Level Return Decomposition.” Dr. Henry has accepted a tenure-track position at the University of Tennessee.
Norman Massel ’14 PhD has successfully defended his dissertation titled “The Effect of Exemption from Mandatory Disclosure to the IRS on Firm Value and Behavior. Dr. Massel has accepted a tenure track position as assistant professor at Louisiana State University.