Andrew P. Duxbury ’16 Ph.D. has successfully defended his dissertation titled, “Repatriating Foreign Earnings to Meet Analysts’ Forecasts.” Dr. Duxbury will be joining faculty at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia.
Charles V. Clarke ’16 Ph.D.
Charles V. Clarke ’16 Ph.D. has successfully defended his dissertation titled, “The Level, Slope and Curve Factor Model For Stocks.” Dr. Clarke has been hired as an Assistant Professor of Finance at the Gatton School of Business at the University of Kentucky.
Stephen R. Rush ’16 Ph.D.

Stephen R. Rush ’16 Ph.D. has successfully defended his dissertation titled, “Essays on Information diffusion and Adverse Selection.” Stephen has accepted an Assistant Professor position at Bowling Green State University, Ohio.
Nicole Jones Young ’15 PhD

Nicole Jones Young ’15 PhD successfully defended her dissertation titled, “The Impact of Social Class in the Hiring Process” on March 8th, 2016. Ms. Young has accepted an Assistant Professor position at Franklin & Marshall College.
Hyoun Sook Lim ’15 Ph.D.

Gang Wang PhD ’15

Gang Wang PhD ’15 has successfully defended his dissertation titled “Essays on Business Models and Empirical Analysis of the Online Daily Deal Industry.”
Di Huang ’07 MBA, ’14 MS, ’15 PhD
Di Huang ’07 MBA, ’14 MS, ’15 PhD has successfully defended her dissertation titled, “CEO Compensation, Information Asymmetry, and Other Characteristics in Corporate Finance”.
Biyu Wu ’15 Ph.D.
Biyu Wu ’15 Ph.D. has successfully defended her dissertation titled, “Do IPOs Face Higher Accounting-Related Litigation Risk? Evidence from Restatements.”
Anna S. E. Jansson Vredeveld Ph.D. ’15
Anna S. E. Jansson Vredeveld Ph.D. ’15 has successfully defended her dissertation titled, “Consumer-Brand Engagement: Cultural and Moral Manifestations”.
Mark A. Schneider ’15 Ph.D.
Mark A. Schneider ’15 Ph.D. has successfully defended his dissertation titled, “Essays on Decision Making Under Risk in Decision Theory and Auction Theory.”